Authorize RelyHost Support for SSH

Downtime Compensation (SLA credit)

Report a problem

When & why you should open a ticket

A Guide to Ticket Priorities

Authorize RelyHost Support for SSH

Downtime Compensation (SLA credit)

Report a problem

When & why you should open a ticket

A Guide to Ticket Priorities

Report a problem

The RelyHost Team
Last Updated:

We take reports of abuse on our platform extremely seriously. Please notify us of any abuse on our servers and we'll investigate immediately. In order to make sure we receive the proper context to act on your report appropriately, follow the guidelines below:

Web Hosting

Please email us at [email protected] or at any of our white-label email addresses with the following information:

  • Domain
  • Links to infringing content (screenshots not accepted without direct links)
  • Instructions to access content (if applicable)
  • If DMCA/copyright; fill out the attached DMCA report form

Please allow up to 7 days for our team to review your request. We may attempt to contact you if we have any questions or require additional details.

Bot Hosting

Please email us at [email protected]. Please report any platform abuse directly to Discord.

For any abuse of RelyBot, please include the bot ID and any other relevant information. For reports regarding modified (aka cracked) versions of our software, please include the version. Do not attempt to reverse engineer, research, or investigate the software for your own safety as it may contain malware.

Dedicated Server and VPS

Please email us at [email protected].

If regarding abusive network activity, please include any applicable logs in a .txt format (or their original format) as possible. If regarding content hosted with the service, include ways to access the content and screenshots.


Please email us at [email protected]. We appreciate your help in keeping rule-breaking content off our services.

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