How we handle abuse on web hosting

How to update your domain's nameservers

Use MySQL externally

Script Output:

How to setup cron with a different PHP version

I can't connect to DirectAdmin due to error message

How we handle abuse on web hosting

How to update your domain's nameservers

Use MySQL externally

Script Output:

How to setup cron with a different PHP version

I can't connect to DirectAdmin due to error message

Use MySQL externally

Noah M.
Last Updated:


When trying to use a MySQL database externally, you receive a request timed-out error or a permission denied error. This can happen when connecting to the database from your home computer or another server.


Go to:

User Level -> MySQL Management -> databasename -> Add Access Host

You can either add the IP of the remote connecting box or use % to allow all IPs to connect (not recommended unless required). Please also ensure you are using the correct username/password, it will still be required even if you add your IP to the list.

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